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  • Writer's pictureMark O'Reilly

God as Our Father

As I began my morning watch today (morning devotions, I opened to Romans 8:15 - The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” and in Gal 4:6 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father! I was struck by the profound revelation of God as the Father who regenerates countless sons. It is in this sacred text that we encounter the Lord as the source of life, the One who desires to bring forth a multitude of children by imparting His very life into them.

In my role as a chaplain, I often witness the longing in people's hearts for a deeper connection with God. The truth that we can call Him Father because we were born of Him and now possess His life within us is a message of hope and comfort that I feel compelled to share.

I am reminded of the universal tenderness with which little children address their parents, using endearing terms like "Papa" or "Mama." This intimate bond is a reflection of the relationship we are invited to have with our Heavenly Father. When we approach God with the same closeness and affection, we experience the sweetness of being His beloved children.

As I minister to those under my care, I often encounter individuals who struggle with the concept of God as a distant or impersonal being. It is my heartfelt desire to guide them towards the realization that God is not a remote figure, but a loving Father who yearns to embrace them as His own.

When we call upon Him, saying, "Abba, Father," we are filled with an inexplicable sense of belonging and security. In these moments, we know with absolute certainty that He is our true Father in life, and we are His cherished sons and daughters.

As I continue my journey as a chaplain, I pray that I may be a vessel through which others can experience the transformative power of knowing God as their Father. May the truth of His paternal love bring healing, restoration, and a deep sense of purpose to all who seek Him.


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